
He Thinks I’m Funny…

February 13, 2012 Wellness

Join me over at Must Love God today and see why I’m writing about the Big Guy laughing at me…. Okay, okay… I think He’s laughing at all of us, not just me.  Come over and see why.

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Thinking and Doing

February 9, 2012 Wellness

That free printable I posted last week?  It was tougher than I thought it would be to fill out.  In fact, I found myself wishing I’d not posted it, because then I wouldn’t have to actually fill it out.  Sigh. I’m glad I’ve got these accountability girls that have my back to make me stick [...]

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Thinking Out Loud

February 2, 2012 Wellness

Last week, over here, I wrote: It’s easy to be accountable for our actions when we’re doing something for someone else.  Not so easy when it comes to doing it for ourselves and our health. Why is that? Why is it so easy to push ourselves down to the bottom of the priority list? I’m [...]

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January 26, 2012 Wellness

ac·count·abil·i·ty noun \ə-ˌkau̇n-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē\ an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one’s actions    It’s easy to be accountable for our actions when we’re doing something for someone else. Not so easy when it comes to doing it for ourselves and our health. Why is that?   Why is it so easy to push ourselves down to the bottom [...]

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Love Is All

January 9, 2012 Choosing Simplicity

I’m really not such a fan of the song, but it’s true:   Love is all you need.   Love is all I need. I don’t need to keep a ton of clutter in the house.  I can let it go. I don’t need to eat a bunch of junky, processed foods.  All I need [...]

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