We are women, wives, mothers, sisters, daughters, and friends. We are bloggers, writers, photographers, story-tellers, designers, tweeters, Facebookers, online community builders, brand ambassadors. We use social media outlets to journal, to connect, to network, to create, to promote, to encourage, and to reach out. We’re each gifted by God with talents and tools, time and tactics. He has given us a voice and He has given us a message.
Social media is our megaphone,
and we are called to declare the Good News!
Will you join us?
Early bird tickets are on sale now for only $129!
Psst…Did you see who we have for our Keynote Speakers?
We’re so excited!!
It’s been a busy week around here:
Out of the blue, I was blessed with two free tickets
to the Dot Mom Conference this weekend!
Of course I knew the perfect
to take with me:
Sunday I walked the Awesome
Cowtown Half Marathon
with my girl Aubrey!
Sunshine, great conversation, and inspiring company.
Who could ask for anything more?
Well, a few less blisters would’ve been nice.
Just sayin’.
Like I said, it’s been a busy week.
Life is good.
I’m dying to write a though provoking post
about the SUBTEXT talk Angie Smith gave at Dot Mom.
Y’all, it’s really messing with my heart!
But the truth is, I don’t have the time, or the energy to do it justice today.
So I’m leaving you with a much different, but equally important question instead:
Do you know when to say ‘It’s been a busy week’?
When to say, ‘Life is good’, and then stop for minute to appreciate it?
It’s a skill that’s sadly neglected in our culture that glorifies being busy, busy, busy.
Do you know how to rest?
Really rest?
Something to think about…
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What an amazing week! Congratulations on the half marathon and on your free tickets for you and Michelle! What a wonderful person to take with you to the conference!
I had the opportunity to go to the Dot Mom Conference and didn’t take it, I’m kicking myself now for it!!! I hadn’t heard of it before so I wasn’t sure what it was, you can be sure though I won’t miss a chance to go again! I heard it was awesome.
You must live close to me, the dot mom conference was in plano which is down the street from me, how cool!
Congrats…you have had an amazing wee! I know about busy…I’ve been unable to get online much at all the past couple of months. I don’t feel qualified to call myself a blogger anymore
I forced myself to write a piece today and I thank you for the opportunity to link up. Look forward to that post…would love to hear what you learned.
God bless!
Make that week…you can see where my head is at
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