I know that Jesus died for ME.  That He was crucified so that my sins might be forgiven.  Somehow, sometimes that gets all tangled up in my mind.  Sometimes I get the forgiven part before the sin part.  Like somehow it’s just the tiniest bit okay, because I am Forgiven.  He has already paid the price.   But what I really should be thinking is….

This sin (however big or small) is a nail pounded into His cross.

That nail was there so long ago because of me.

Not because of the general sinfulness of people the world over.

Because of this particular bad choice that I make right now.

My sin. My bad choice.  Nailed him to the cross.

This sin. Nailed Him to the cross.

That sin. Another nail in His cross.

Yet another sin. Crucified by me.  By my choices. FOR me.  FOR you.

So that we ALL might be forgiven.

Not so that we can make bad choices knowing that we might be forgiven after.  But so that we will be forgiven even though we  make bad choices. It’s part of being human.  We will mess up. But, don’t we owe it to Him to try as hard as we can NOT to? How do we want to repay His sacrifice?  With “eh, it’s a little sin…. no big deal.” or by seeking to live right, fighting in even the littlest things against sin and evil?

Something to think about this Good Friday.


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

SomeGirl April 22, 2011 at 3:44 PM

Amen! Amen! What a WONDERFUL post!! Thank you for sharing these GREAT thougths!!


Stacy @ Delighting in the Days April 30, 2011 at 11:44 AM

Excellent thoughts here! It’s truly something amazing when we take the time really think about the fact that our sin hammered in those nails. How sweet and wonderful that he chose to make a way for us to be forgiven! Hooray for that!


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