
Have You Seen Leon?

November 1, 2012 LOVE in action

Happy Thought Provoking Thursday everyone! I have a special story to share with you today, and I ask that you please add Leon and his family to your prayers this November.  Please be in prayer that God would be glorified, that God would be seen, heard, and felt in a powerful way by everyone who [...]

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How To Be Cool When It’s 109 Outside…

June 27, 2012 Thought Provoking

Here in Texas, we were blessed with a much cooler June than last year.  We’ve been pleasantly cruising along in the 90s for most of the month.  Well, at least we were in the 90s until the last week or so. Then… Bam!   100+ temps.  It seemed as if the heat slapped us all [...]

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