Thought provoking

Do You Hear This Enough?

January 16, 2013 Learning the Art of Living

Do You Hear This Enough? Lately, I’ve been taking a few minutes to sit with a nice, steaming bowl of soup, and read a book on my lunch breaks.  Trying to be more intentional than just sitting at my desk and eating as I work.  It seems counter-intuitive, but taking breaks actually makes you more [...]

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Rise from the Ashes…

January 10, 2013 Thought Provoking

Sometimes you have to kind of die inside in order to rise from your own ashes and believe in yourself and love yourself to become a new person. ~Gerard Way   How are you going to rise from  your own ashes in 2013?   Something to think about…    

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My Prayer For You…

December 27, 2012 Learning the Art of Living

Dearest Reader, Thank you. For being here.  For reading.  For commenting.  For the inspiration, challenge, and encouragement you provide to me every time I write.  Thank you. I truly cannot thank you enough, but in return I’d like to offer up this blessing for you: Father in Heaven, I pray for this dear reader, the [...]

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Do This.

November 28, 2012 Learning the Art of Living

How are you… How can you… How will you… Be Brave? Something to think about…    

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Worried? Try This…

November 14, 2012 Mind

Something to think about…    

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