This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.~Psalm 118:24

Sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?
It’s a count-your-blessings kind of verse.
Be Glad.
Simple, right?
Why then, does it seem like such a cliche? If I’m going to be honest, I have to confess that when I hear this verse, there is a tiny part of my brain that replies with a yawn:
‘Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Been there.
Done that.
Awful, isn’t it? Why do I do that? Is it my own arrogance that I’ve already appreciated ‘enough’ about today? After all, I got up and enjoyed the misty light of morning through the tall trees. I stop and marvel at the wonder of my boys still sleeping peacefully, or the miracle of a butterfly landing in my garden. I’ve even been known to drag a friend out of bed to witness the sunrise over the Atlantic with me. What is it that makes me feel like I’ve filled my quota for rejoicing and being glad?
As I write this post, I realize that while arrogance is definitely an issue, the bigger problem is that I consider this to be an “easy” verse. It’s easy to rejoice in those beautiful moments I described above. The catch to this verse, however, is to rejoice and be glad ALL DAY, not just when it easily occurs to us.
Do we remember to rejoice and be glad:
- when we’re sitting in horrendous bumper to bumper traffic with rude & impatient drivers all around?
- when a glass of sticky juice gets spilled on the freshly mopped floor?
- when we’re frustrated with the never ending questions, chores, and struggles of parenthood?
- when things simply aren’t going “our” way?
Do we remember then to rejoice and be glad?
Maybe if we did, life would be just a tiny bit less of a struggle.
This is the day the LORD has made;
let us rejoice and be glad in it.~Psalm 118:24
Something to think about…
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Great point about that verse, Michelle. As awesome as the words are, it’s too easy to forget about them during the difficult times. Thanks for the reminder!
Thank you Michelle for hosting! We certainly do often skim over a verse just because it is so familiar. It takes another look to deeply view all that is there for us. I WILL rejoice – - decide to, choose to.
Happy to find your site! I will surely be back
I love finding encouraging sites and love your site’s name!
Sorry, Michele, for posting my link twice — having some technical difficulties. Not sure why I don’t have a live link underneath. Thank you for your timely post — very thought provoking for today
So true! I sing a based on this verse to my daughter almost every morning. It’s a good way to remind both of us (even though she is too young to understand right now!).
I can relate to this! In fact, I just wrote something similar about this same verse a few weeks ago. It’s good to find like-minded folks on the journey.
You are so right. I need to remember to rejoice often. Even if I am not in a good mood. If I purposefully try to be joyful, usually I end up being just that. Thanks for hosting!
Thought provoking indeed. Thanks for posting. This is truth.
Hi, I’m not sure how I stumbled upon your site but I’m glad I did. I’m participating in the link-up here for the first time; thank you so much for hosting – I see some great links I need to go visit.
Guilty. I tend toward my favourite rejoicing moments. I even pick and choose which trials to rejoice in.
From prison, Paul wrote to rejoice always, and again to rejoice! Even though our day seldom goes as planned, and often has obstacles that seem to be far from cause for celebration, I suspect that when we get to glory, He’ll show us how these detours kept us from accidents or otherwise worked to our ultimate good. Thanks for the great post & for hosting the linkup, & God bless,
Challenging thoughts and thank you for sharing that! It is easy to rejoice in the day first thing in the morning, but throughout….? Yikes! Thank you!
This really ties amazingly into my day today and what I just blogged about and linked here
Hearing Him… loud and clear…
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