Are you running this race called LIFE?
Or are you waiting on the sidelines
until conditions are perfect,
until the stars fall into alignment,
and everything looks easy and pretty?

It’s a choice.
Stop waiting.
Start living.
Life is like a marathon.
You will never feel prepared. It’s scary. It’s hard.
It takes discipline, perseverance, and a good attitude.
It’s easy to give up and wait on the sidelines for better conditions.
But if you wait, the race goes on, and you miss it.
So gear up, and push every ruptured tendon, broken foot,
overwhelmed, stressed-out, undertrained, overweight,
frazzled bit of you across the start line of life….
Start living.
Or wait on the sidelines and miss out on your life.
Which do you choose?
This post is dedicated to my girls… The Strong Moms Marathon Relay team. I’m so proud of you. Next year, we kill the Half….together!
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Very motivating! Even when living intentionally, there are so many things that can hold us back from making the most of *this* day. Life is a marathon and we must run on!
Well said, Tereasa! Run on.
Thank you Michelle, so well written!!! As the owner of the broken foot, I thank you for your company, friendship, wisdom, and motivation! We will kill it next year in life and the 1/2 marathon!!
You are welcome, friend! Here’s to Strong Moms NOT being an injured reserve team next year.
Michelle….This weekend was truly what I needed… Thank you girls for ALWAYS being there for me and with me in this crazy life! I love our friendship, I love this race we do together every year. You, Steph and Diana motivate me and inspire me to be the best I can be. Most of all, tho, thank you for loving and accepting me, ruptured tendon, warts and all! Next year we will kill that half…..As long as you 3 are by my side, I know I can do anything!
We really CAN do anything together! I love the challenge of being there and competing together as a team…whatever the race might be.
This post is so timely! I recently made the decision that even though the stars aren’t perfect aligned, I’m preparing anyways! (both exercising even though it’s not easy, and beginning to prepare my home to be sold hopefully in the next year) Before I was waiting for things to happen first, then I would act. Now I’ll be prepared when the day comes. Thanks!
I’m so glad to hear that you’re not waiting! When I flipped the ‘switch’ in my mind and stopped waiting, it was amazing how much I started to get accomplished, even though conditions weren’t perfect.
Good for you!! Keep it up.
If it’s one thing being chronically ill has shown me, live each day like it was your last! <3
Yes!! So true.