
Ready or Not, Here I Come…

December 20, 2012 Advent

Christmas kind of snuck up on me this year.  Which is ironic, because I’ve been planning and reminding myself for the last 6 months to get everything done before December so I could just relax and enjoy the holiday.  But life happens, and I’ve never had THIS MUCH “left” to do less than a week [...]

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Do You Have Your Permission Slip Ready?

December 13, 2012 Advent

Advent. Christmas. New Years. Holiday craziness. Decorations. Cookie baking. Fancy gift wrapping. Shopping. Cleaning. Party going. Christmas card sending… The list goes on an on, and there are always more ‘good’ things waiting to add to our lists this time of year.  Or ideas that someone else is doing that we’d love to try, or… [...]

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This Is the Good Kind of Waiting…

December 2, 2012 Advent

Advent. In anticipation we gather. With expectation we wait. We gather to watch for the coming of the Good News into our world and our lives. We wait to see the fullness of God’s vision. O God, open the doors to our hearts, that this year we may have room for the birth of Jesus. O God, [...]

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