
Love Is All

by Michelle Choosing Simplicity

Source: via Michelle (Intentional.Me) on Pinterest   I’m really not such a fan of the song, but it’s true:   Love is all you need.   Love is all I need. I don’t need to keep a ton of clutter in the house.  I can let it go. I don’t need to eat a [...]

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Love and Logic at the Park

by Michelle Intentional Tuesdays

We spent a relaxing afternoon at the park with Somegirl and her boys. It’s the week before Thanksgiving, but here in Texas, it is beautiful and warm out. We brought a big bag of sand toys for the sandbox, and the boys had a blast.  Eventually, the sandbox went from this: To this: Being buried [...]

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Simple Solutions {idols & emails}

by Michelle Choosing Simplicity

I have a confession to make. My email box has become an idol. I’ll explain how in a minute.  First,  I need to show you how I am totally out of control when it comes to email. I regularly have thousands of emails in my in my inbox. Some read, some unread, and some waiting to [...]

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