by Michelle
Choose Wisely
I used to think that superpowers were only for comic books and movie heroes. You know, like having ‘spidey-sense’, or being able ‘to leap tall buildings in a single bound’? I’ve come to realize that superpowers aren’t just for fictional characters. Real life people have them too. Wanna know the secret to finding your superpower? [...]
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Choose Wisely,
Thought provoking
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by Michelle
Thought Provoking Thursdays
Do you see what I see? I see YOU. YOU are: Strong. Beautiful. Confident. Capable. Kind. Faithful. Encouraging. Fun. Amazing. LOVED. Do you see what I see? If you are shaking your head, “No, not me!” then look again. Keep looking until you can own those words. Until you see the YOU that GOD sees. [...]
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Thought provoking
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