Monday Motivation

The Myths We All Buy Into…’Normal’

June 10, 2012 Learning the Art of Living

Angela Cirrone Smith via Compfight I’ve come to realize that there are certain myths in life that we all buy into…   Here’s one: “Normal…”   You know the one?  Where you can’t wait until everything gets back to “normal”? The one where you can’t wait to someday have a “normal” schedule? Or get a [...]

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How To Turn a Crazy Monday Into A Fabulous Week

May 20, 2012 Be Still

It’s Monday again.   It’s end of the school year crazy too.  A crazy Monday + a week of mixed up schedules, extra activities, school plays, awards,  and wear silly socks to school days… Well, it’s all a little more overwhelming than it is motivating.  Time for a good quote to help us get the [...]

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Are You Living? Or Are You Waiting?

April 30, 2012 health

Are you running this race called LIFE?   Or are you waiting on the sidelines until conditions are perfect, until the stars fall into alignment, and everything looks easy and pretty? It’s a choice. Stop waiting. Start living. Life is like a marathon. You will never feel prepared.  It’s scary.  It’s hard. It takes discipline, [...]

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That Scary Thing Just Beneath The Surface…

April 23, 2012 Inspiration

I have a friend, who has long inspired me, even before we became friends.  She has 3 kids, all younger than mine, and was the chair of a local charity event, Relay for Life.  I was a new team captain, just getting some friends together for a night of fun and raising money to fight [...]

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How To Create An Incredibly Intentional & Productive Week

April 16, 2012 Inspiration

It’s a new day. The beginning of a new week.  Time to wipe the state clean. Forgive and Forget Forgive yourself of failures, setbacks, or self-judgements from last week and beyond. Wipe the slate clean. Forget your successes and accomplishments, as well. Those efforts, also, are in the past. Don’t rest on old achievements.  You must keep [...]

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