Psst. Hey you! The overwhlemed one. Yes, you.
The one with the never ending mountain of laundry.
The one with the perpetually full sink of dirty dishes.
You who just remembered a must-do on today’s to-do list
and you have no idea how you’ll fit it in?
The one who is constantly feeling overwhelmed with to-do lists, chores,
activities, commitments, projects, and more…
I’m talking to you.
Can I tell you something?
Overwhelmed isn’t a four letter word.
‘Overwhelmed’ isn’t meant to be such a regular negative part
of your daily thoughts and vocabulary.
Did you hear that? I’m going to say it again just to make sure.
‘Overwhelmed’ isn’t meant to be such a regular negative
part of your daily thoughts and vocabulary.
How about we flip a switch somewhere and change all that, shall we?
What if we refuse to use ‘overwhelmed’ as a negative word any longer?
Let’s be overwhelmed by His Grace.
Let’s be overwhelmed by the Prince of Peace.
Let’s be overwhelmed by His Mercy.
Let’s be overwhelmed with JOY,
because we can REST in Him in all we do.
Let’s be simply overwhelmed by His Love.
What can you do today to flip that switch?
Something to think about…
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Thank you I needed this reminder. I am overwhelmed right now, trying to sort through – trying to figure out a schedule. It is okay to be overwhelmed, if we are overwhelmed by the right things, the right PERSON. I will be praying intently that Christ will overwhelm me today!
I love this.
Because it is true…
I want to let everything else but the reality of who HE is fall away!!
What a great way to look at it… Thank you for the reminder!
This is just what I needed to hear! Wonderful post and excellent timing! Thank you for the reminder to let God be the only thing that overwhelms us!
As one who is regularly overwhelmed, I needed this. Thanks!
I love it! I’m flipping the switch with you and choosing to be overwhelmed by His grace and joy found only in Him.
Yes, yes, yes! Love your words today!
I love that verse! Thanks for the reminder!
LOVE THIS POST!!! Thank you so much!!
I love how the connotations of the word changes when you start using it in a positive sense. When you picture the love of God, engulfing and overwhelming you!
I choose to be overwhelmed by God’s grace and strength. Thanks for the word and linky. Have a super blessed day!
What a great reminder that we need to be overwhelmed by the things of God!
Loved your post! Love that switcharoo:) Thanks!
SUCH a good reminder, Michelle!
So good….I needed that!
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